Bugs and fixes

We are would like to thank

  • Hansen CV (MD),
  • Jorgensen HV (diabetes nurse specialist),
  • Paulsen K (graphic designer) and
  • Seidenfaden E (teacher), m

who in 1981 in Denmark invented and developed "The Diabetes Game", which they subsequently allowed us to translate and use in Slovene language.

Part of didactical game was valued in 1999 with pedagogic experiment and which was published as diploma with title Didactical game and its usage at health education of patients with type 2 diabetes authored by Majda Mori Lukančič, BsC and mentored by prof. dr. Miroslav Kališnik, MD.

In year 2000 it was published in printed edition with some extra health education topics added. It was supported by Ministry for Health of Republic Slovenia and Health insurance institute of Slovenia.

In year 2006 it was formed in electronic form and published on internet by Florijan Vidic, prof. of computer science and Črt Lukančič Mori, student of Faculty of electrical engineering Ljubljana.